Sunday, September 9, 2007
Paris by Night 89 review
1. Dung Hua Voi Em… - Minh Tuyet and Thaifoon
This song was perfect to open the shoe in Korea because the beat, dance, and everything about it were very Korean like. Minh Tuyet looks absolutely sexy even without getting all dress up (simple yet hot!). I absolutely love the song and I thought both Minh Tuyet and Thaifoon did an excellent job getting everyone hype and excited about the show.
When I first heard them duet in Minh Tuyet’s solo CD I was a bit disappointed because it wasn’t one of my favorite, but after re-listening to it numerous of times I’ve grown to love the duet. Therefore I was anticipating this song and I wasn’t disappointed.
2. Bao Gia Em Moi Hieu – Trinh Lam
When I first heard that he will once again perform a song that he composed, I was so excited because I loved his other song, “Tai Sao?” At first I thought this song was too cliché, but after awhile I fell in love with the lyrics and harmony of the song. Trinh Lam’s vocals are perfect and poignant and deliberated the song amazingly well. I’m anticipating for more songs he composes in the future.
3. Nua Hon Thuong Dau – Y Lan
This was one of the songs I wasn’t anticipating and to listen to her speech was even more dreadful. I can understand if you say how excited to be in Korea, but her speech was ‘long’.
As for the song her vocals were fascinating, but it was quite boring to listen to. I like the background music though because it’s romantic and dreamy. Overall, I wouldn’t say this song was one of the most entertaining or great to listen to.
4. Duong Vao Yeu – Thuy Tien
The song is fun and catchy, but it’s not special. However, Thuy Tien looks stunning with that dress/skirt/shirt that shows off her beautiful legs perfectly. The dance was also very interesting with the puppet thing, I don’t quite get it, but I still thought it was interesting.
5. Xot Xa – Mai Quoc Huy
No wonder everyone applauses at the first note. His voice sounds exactly like Che Linh and Che Linh is a legend in the Vietnamese music industry. The song was great at the beginning and then it got boring near the middle and the end (nothing new). I have to say his stag-presence is very likeable and innocent.
6. Superstar – Van Quynh and Huong Giang
Both of them sound great – no doubt. The lyrics is fascinating, but I don’t know why it’s call “Superstar” since it has nothing to do with superstars. The song started out catchy and fun, but it got dreadful and boring at the end. I wished they could have dance with a crew of dancer in the back because it could have been less boring to watch.
7. Thien Dang Danh Mat – Duong Trieu Vu
I must agree with many fans that the sun-glasses was too over-the-top, but that the least of his problem. The song was great until he started rapping (it was horrible). When I first hear the song from the ad preview I loved the song, but now I totally hate the song for the rapping. However, I still like the none-rapping part of the song; it was fresh, new and young.
8. Tan Co Bac Trang Lua Hong – Manh Quynh and Huong Thuy
Like I’ve said before, these type of songs are not my cup of tea, but I would give it a try for Manh Quynh and Huong Thuy. Since I’m still young I don’t quite get the song, but I could tell that most of the audience loved the song because they could relate to this song.
9. Hai Que – Quang Le
His voice is so poignant and fascinating. Quang Le sounds absolutely amazing in this song and I don’t think anyone can or will perform it better then he can. If you look closely Quang Le puts his heart and soul into this sound because he actually tears up at the end which shows you how much he loves this song. Even though it’s a great song I still have problems with his eye contact – it’s getting quite uncomfortable to watch.
10. Thoi Nho Mong Ma Chi – Bao Han
This was the song I wanted to listen to the most since its Bao Han’s first solo in years and I wasn’t disappointed. Her cute facial expressions are still there and her dancing is still sizzling. I wished that she could have dance more since I love her dancing, but it was great! The song was catchy and fun but she should have sang louder since the music overshadowed her voice.
11. Hoa Vang May Do – Khanh Ly
Her voice is still very dramatic over so many years. I’ve heard this song before and I must say Khanh Ly sounded the best here. I absolutely love this song because it has that romantic and jazz feeling to it which I always love.
12. Ha Trang – Tran Thai Hoa
I was a bit disappointed with the song choice, but then again Tran Thai Hoa’s vocal is intruding. I know the lyrics are fascinating, but it was quite boring. However, I still like the song even if it’s a bit boring.
13. Tan Bien – Roni Trong and Huynh Gia Tuan
Nice dance moves and fun beat, but I don’t why I wanted to fast forward the song every time I see Huynh Gia Tuan. His voice doesn’t fit with this song and the little thing that he does with his hand is so annoying! However, I still like Roni Trong’s Vietnamese; he actually sounds better here rather then weak like in PBN 87.
14. Hai Kich: Giot Le Dai Trang – Hoai Linh, Chi Tai and Huu Loc
Goodness this was one of the worst ‘hai kich’ of 2007. It was so boring and over-the-top. The only time I laughs were from Hoai Linh. I knew Huu Loc would be boring and I was absolutely right, he was so fake and horrible as a comedian. I don’t know why they like to use Vietnamese music since they are a music production; why can’t they use their own music? Kudos to the make-up artist on transforming Hoai Linh into the old lady – he looks so real!
15. Gio Bac and Ly Con Sao Bac Lieu – Huong Lan and Tam Doan
I’ve heard both these song numerous of times and I must say this arrangement was my favorite because both Huong Lan and Tam Doan sounds wonderful together. Their voices blend and mix together so perfectly. You can feel the love and tension between the two since these songs talks about a daughter and her mother separating. Even though Tam Doan didn’t sound as great during the ‘vong co’ part, but it’s still her first time and for a first timer she sounds acceptable.
16. Em Van Tin – Ho Le Thu
One of my favorite songs during the show, the song was perfect for the show since it’s in Korea. Ho Le Thu did an excellent job translating and performing the song. Korean songs always need a singer with strong and demanding voice so Ho Le Thu’s was perfect because her voice is so dramatic and strong. Thanks to this song Ho Le Thu is now on my favorite singers list.
17. Mua Tren Que Huong – Nhu Quynh
This song is made for Nhu Quynh and I don’t think anyone can make the song justice like Nhu Quynh because she sounds so great. No wonder why so many fans is sad of her departer from Paris By Night because her ranges are so amazing and wonderful. The dances were simple yet perfect for the song and Nhu Quynh also looks so beautiful!
18. Con Dau Cuoi Cung – Luong Tung Quang
Like I had expected in my sneak peak review, this song is another of my favorite. The song is devastatingly romantic since the song is very sad and gloomy, but somewhere in there it’s still very romantic. The lyrics are wonderful and Luong Tung Quang always manages to perform with a lot of emotions.
19. Yeu De Roi Biet Xot Xa – David Meng
This was also one of my most anticipated song since it’s David Meng first performance after winning and I was dramatically disappointed because I don’t think he sound any better then he had from the Talent Show. He still sounds like he’s screaming into the micro rather then singing. His ranges are everywhere which is hard to listen to. Hope he can improve more after listening to him in the future.
20. Yeu Anh That Kho Noi – Loan Chau and Nhu Loan
Gorgeous! Loan Chau and Nhu Loan look absolutely stunning and beautiful. The song is very enchanted and catchy. The lyric is innocent yet enduring. The dance was simple yet beautiful. Nhu Loan and Loan Chau actually sound great together and Nhu Loan’s voice doesn’t seem to die behind Loan Chau’s voice like her voice usually does with other singer (I was surprised).
21. Mong Sau – Khanh Ha
Khanh Ha’s voice is so strong and something about her voice that makes it stands out from other singers. She once again makes another famous and well known song her own. As for the song I thought it was well written, but had nothing special.
22. Linh Hon Da Mat – Bang Kieu
The song was so good and beautifully sang by Bang Kieu. His ranges were once again poignant and perfect. I love the song and the meaningful lyrics. It was so kind of Bang Kieu to sing this song for Nhat Trung and his late wife, the talented La Suong Suong. R.I.P La Suong Suong!
23. Fashion Show Ao Dai Calvin Hiep and Thai Nguyen – Models from Vietnam and Korea
Yes! I hated watching this fashion show – it was so boring and bland. I’d rather have the singers walk down the runway; however, I must say both designers’ dresses were fascinating and interesting. Personally the second set by Thai Nguyen was more beautiful because it was less dramatic like the first set. Vietnamese ‘ao dai’ are loved for being simple yet sophisticated and the first set by Calvin Hiep had too much going on, but they were still very pretty.
24. Hoa Nang – Mai Tien Dung and Sunny Luong
I love Mai Tien Dung energy and enthusiastic on stage which make the song more enjoyable. As you all know from the sneak peak review I really like Sunny Luong, but I was disappointed seeing him getting overshadowed by Mai Tien Dung. The song was fun and had a great beat to it. The dance was also very enjoyable; overall, just a very fun song.
25. Hoang Vu – The Son
I love The Son’s strong and wonderful voice, but I didn’t quite like this song. It’s over sung by so many artists so I was quite bored to once again listen to this song in such a grand and different show.
26. Tinh Chap Nhan – Quynh Vi
Even though I love Quynh Vi’s voice I thought she could chosen a better song. I’m not saying this song was horrible, but it didn’t do Quynh Vi’s voice justice. However, I thought she look stunning in the dress, but still very old with the make-up.
27. Ki Em Ra Di – Luu Bich
I was hoping for the ending song to be grand, exciting and over-the-top since the opening set such high standard. Yes the song was fun and catchy, but I was hoping for it to have something new and different. The dance from Luu Bich was a bit uncomfortable to watch since she’s not as young as she was before so for her to dance so seductively was a bit weird. Not the best ending but still exceptable.
Overall, I was actually disappointed since it wasn’t as grand and dynamic like it was told to be. However, I still find it enjoyable and fun since they tried something new. There were songs I loved, but there were also songs I dislike. I was also hoping for more Korean translated song since it’s in Korea. I must applauses for Ky Duyen and Nguyen Ngoc Ngan because they did a fantastic job! They were fun, enthusiastic, and interesting to watch. They play off each other so well. I didn’t like the Korean dancer because they don’t understand how to bring diversity to each song like the Paris by Night dancers, but then again the language barrier. I was so disappointed when I realize there was no behind-the-scenes since it’s so fun and entertaining to watch. However, I still recommend this DVD since its fresh and new from Thuy Nga, but don’t expect too much from it because you will get disappointed.
28. Neu Em Duoc Chon Lua – Ngoc Lien
I must say Ngoc Lien look stunning in this MV. The song was not bad at all; I quite like it. I guess the changing of the cloud color shows how her life is when her lover gets in a car accident. The storyline is so Korean; with the car accident and everything. Overall, I thought the MV was beautifully filmed and act.
29. Chuyen Ngay Tho – Ha Phuong
Compare to the other two MV this one look a bit cheap with the fake graphics. Ha Phuong looks stunning in the wedding gown and so innocently beautiful in the blue ‘ao ba ba’. However, the song didn’t seem to fit with her voice because she sounds awkward and weird.
30. Em Van Tin – Ho Le Thu
Like I’ve mention before I absolutely adore this song and to see it act out was even better. Ho Le Thu looks so cute in the MV and she and the Korean actor did a fantastic job. This personally is my favorite MV Thuy Nga has made ever.
Labels: pbn review
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