Sunday, September 9, 2007
pbn 89 fashion review
Most modern: Minh Tuyet vs. Bao Han
From the glittering top to the sexy jeans Minh Tuyet looks modern and hip; a bit simple yet still sexy. Both ladies look sizzling from top to bottom, but I just think Bao Han clothes arrangement were slightly better. The black tux over white under-shirt and red pants matches and blend so well together. Fabulous job Bao Han!
Most glamorous: Y Lan vs. Ho Le Thu
Both Y Lan and Ho Le Thu looks wonderful in either their gown. Y Lan in a black overall dress while Ho Le Thu sparkles and dazzles in her scale gown. Even though they both looks great I have to give the title to Y Lan since black is always the best and will be the best color for gowns.
Blue goddess: Thuy Tien vs. Quynh Vi
Quynh Vi looks glamorous in the blue/aqua dress which shows her curves and asset perfectly while Thuy Tien sizzle in a short skirt/dress/shirt thing. The dress presents her pair of legs perfectly (a plus). However, the winner is still Quynh Vi since Thuy Tien’s dress is quite ugly and not in fashion anymore.
Best tail: Huong Giang vs. Van Quynh
Obviously Van Quynh is the winner between her outfit and Huong Giang since her is more simple yet sophisticated and fun. Huong Giang huge pink ruffles tail seems too much and overcrowd. If they would have cut of slice it up in layers it would have look much better. Along side from that Huong Giang look so old with the hairstyle and I’m glad Van Quynh has long wavy hair again because she looks very pretty.
Young tradition: Huong Thuy vs. Tam Doan
I like both ‘ao dai’ worn by Huong Thuy and Tam Doan. The white, simple ‘ao dai’ on Huong Thuy makes her look so innocent and cute while Tam Doan; who also looks cute in a green/purple flower ‘ao dai’. Even though the dresses make them look innocent, they seem to look old some how. If I have to pick between the two I would pick Huong Thuy’s since her is simpler and I think that the simpler an ‘ao dai’ is, the better.
Old tradition: Khanh Ly vs. Huong Lan
No doubt Huong Lan’s ‘ao dai’ was better because of the red velvet designs. Yes, Khanh Ly solid brown ‘ao dai’ is sinple, but it’s too simple which makes it look cheap. Therefore I pick Huong Lan red designs on see-through black dress.
Best hanbok: Hoai Linh vs. Ky Duyen
I find these Korean hanbok to be very pretty and cute. Hoai Linh looks beautiful in it even though he’s a man; which is quite weird. Ky Duyen looks stunning! From the hair to the dress it fits her so well. The only different between the two was that Hoai Linh’s bow is white while Ky Duyen’s is red. I actually like the red more since it doesn’t blend into the top like Hoai Linh’s. I also think the bow in Ky Duyen fits with the dress more then the hair piece in Hoai Linh’s.
Best without a theme: Nhu Quynh vs. Loan Chau – Nhu Loan vs. Khanh Ha vs. Luu Bich
I couldn’t find anything to compare these four outfits with so I decided to put them together. My favorites are Nhu Quynh’s simple ‘ao ba ba’ and Loan Chau – Nhu Loan fairy like red with white flower ensemble. Though Khanh Ha looks stunning from the neck up, her dress seem to covers up her curves and made her look plunge. Luu Bich’s was my least favorite since it looks cliché and re-used. I swear I saw her wear this shirt before so I was disappointed with her fashion choice.
Best Ky Duyen: Ky Duyen vs. Ky Duyen vs. Ky Duyen vs. Ky Duyen
Every show Ky Duyen always manages to steal away the fashion part of the show with her dresses transition. This show was no exception and she once again looks stunning in all fourof her dresses not including the hanbok at the end. Personally my favorite was her light apple green dress because it made her look so young and beautiful. I love that hair on her as well and think she should do that more often. My least favorite of her set was her second caramel, coffee ruffles dress because it made her look quite old and chubby since it didn’t give her any curves.
Labels: fashion review
9:51 PM